Defining Particles of Energy

Defining Particles of Energy


Tachyons are particles of energy; and particles of energy in their native original FORM are tachyons.  This is really simple to understand.  By definition, tachyons have NO limitations, because tachyons are omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, infinite, eternal, everlasting, quantum, hyperdimensional, syntropic, and conserved.  The scientific explanatory power of tachyons is unlimited.

I have a bit of OCD.  I like working things through to completion!  The few, who are generous and kind, tell me that I’m thorough or a “good teacher” and that it’s some kind of gift.  I like to joke and say that “I never do anything half-assed.  I always go out of my way to make a complete ass of myself every time.”  I’m driven.  I want to KNOW the truth!

When I first saw a Light Cone Chart – complete with tardyons, luxons, and tachyons – I was ALL in, because I immediately recognized that it was TRUE.  ALL of my scientific research during the previous decade had been pointing to it.  I have been thinking about it and dreaming about it ever since.  I can’t let it go.  It’s too good to be true.  It explains everything – in scientific terms that we can actually visualize and understand.

We physicists and scientists call particles of energy “matter”.  We take it as self-evident and obvious that particles of energy exist.  Energy exists, does it not?  If you can’t agree that energy exists, then we aren’t even on the same planet, you and I.  Since we call particles of energy “matter”, that means that massless, entropyless, intangible, non-physical, syntropic, conserved particles of energy are in fact particles of spirit matter.  It’s the same stuff!  They both are tachyonic, quantum, spiritual, non-physical, intangible, ethereal, omnipotent, omnipresent, hyperdimensional, massless, entropyless, syntropic, and conserved.  We can’t get our hands on them nor control them with our physical instruments; yet WE KNOW that particles of energy exist because observations ARE scientific evidence, and particles of energy have been repeatedly experienced and observed and verified!

These scientific truths, that the atheists have rejected, have given me the answer to life, the universe, and everything.

It violates the Law of Non-Contradiction to claim that particles of energy exist, while at the same time claiming that particles of spirit matter do not exist – as the materialists, naturalists, nihilists, and atheists do – because particles of energy and particles of spirit matter are the same exact thing!  If the one exists, then the other one automatically exists!  Likewise, it violates the Law of Non-Contradiction to claim that energy exists while at the same time claiming that massless, entropyless, non-physical tachyons and luxons do not exist – as the materialists, naturalists, nihilists, and atheists do – because tachyons and particles of energy are the same exact thing in the end.  Psyches, intelligences, tachyons, luxons, tachyonic quanta, conserved quanta, and the quantum fields CONSIST of massless, entropyless, syntropic, non-physical, conserved particles of energy; and we all should know that particles of energy exist.  Yes, energy is spiritual or non-physical or intangible.  Yes, energy is tachyonic or omnipotent or God-like!  Nevertheless, we all should KNOW that energy exists.

The materialists, naturalists, nihilists, and atheists waste all your time by trying to convince you that the tachyonic, or the spiritual, or the quantum, or the non-physical DOES NOT EXIST.  Tachyonic is “spiritual”, or “quantum mechanical”, or “omnipotent”, or “conserved”.  It can’t wear-out or end.  Energy in its spiritual form or tachyonic form is massless, entropyless, intangible, non-physical, syntropic, invisible, unlimited, infinite, omnipotent, omnipresent, hyperdimensional, and conserved.  Tachyons are particles of energy or particles of spirit matter.  Quanta are spirits, or packets of energy.  As scientists, we should KNOW that quanta and particles of energy exist; therefore, we should KNOW that spirits and spirit matter and tachyons exist, because they are the same thing!  As a scientist, you have to be willing to figure out what a tachyon or a particle of spirit matter really is and how it works, or you will NEVER find the truth when it comes to physics.

My first fifty years as a scientist were completely wasted and unproductive thanks to my materialism, naturalism, nihilism, and atheism – that were trained into me by my science teachers.

We atheists have already concluded that the spiritual or the tachyonic DOES NOT EXIST.  We atheists have already concluded that the eternal and the everlasting and the conserved tachyons do not exist.  We atheists deny the existence of tachyons or particles of spirit matter.  We atheists have already concluded that spirits, or quanta, or packets of energy, or luxons, or quantum waves, or photons do not exist.  We atheists have already concluded that tachyons, psyches, intelligences, or particles of spirit matter DO NOT EXIST.  We atheists have already concluded that the tachyonic fields or the quantum fields or particles of energy do not exist.  We atheists have already concluded that hyperspace, or the quantum realms, or the tachyonic realms, or the spirit world, or the energy realm does not exist.  We atheists have already concluded that tachyonic mechanics, quantum mechanics, spiritual mechanics, or energy mechanics DOES NOT EXIST.

We atheists worship death or nihilism as if it were God.  Atheism is a curse and a bane to the whole of Science and Physics, and we atheists don’t even know it.  The interesting thing about we atheists is that we don’t want to know the truth.  We atheists are much more comfortable with the deceptions and the lies because that is what we prefer.  We atheists have already rejected the Truths in Science that are waiting to be found.

You see, God is a spiritual phenomenon or a tachyonic phenomenon or a quantum phenomenon or a supernatural phenomenon; so, for us atheists, the spiritual or the tachyonic or the quantum can’t possibly exist because God obviously does not exist.  Our fear of God literally prevents us and stops us from finding and knowing the tachyonic, the non-physical, or the spiritual Truths in Science that are waiting to be found.  Atheism, unbelief, or “randomly and arbitrarily denying the existence of things” is the absolute worst thing that you can do to your Science, Truth, or Knowledge.  Deliberate ignorance destroys discovery, knowledge, truth, and science.

The ONLY good thing about my years spent as an atheist trapped within an atheistic mind-set or paradigm is that I can now use my atheism as a foil or a prod or an incentive to point me to the Truths in Science that the atheists are trying to hide from us.  I have discovered that if an atheist tells you that something doesn’t exist, then you can be 100% sure that it does in fact exist, because these people seem to have a knack for identifying the truth and rejecting it.  Even when these people say that Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny doesn’t exist, that’s not exactly 100% true.  Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny and God exist as a concept or an idea, even if they might not have a physical existence.  Concepts and ideas are real, and they really exist.

Thoughts or cognitions or dreams or memories are quantum waves or quantum information.  They really exist!  Furthermore, the thoughts and memories that survive the death of your physical brain and show up in your after-death life review obviously are not stored within your physical brain; yet they exist!  Conserved quantum memories can ONLY be stored within Conserved Quanta or Tachyonic Quanta!  It’s physically impossible to conserve quantum information within temporary or temporal tardyons, luxons, or physical atoms that are NOT CONSERVED.  You can’t conserve quantum information within something that is not conserved.  It’s physically impossible!  Luxons and tardyons are not conserved.  That means that quantum information or quantum memories can ONLY be conserved within tachyons!  Remember, tachyons, psyches, intelligences, particles of energy, or particles of spirit matter are conserved!  They have to exist so that quantum information can be conserved!

A psyche, intelligence, or tachyon has the innate ability to think up something completely new out of thin air, and once it does, that concept or idea really exists.  You see, love, friendship, compassion, charity, trust, faith, belief, justice, mercy, and all the other things that are good – DO NOT EXIST – until some psyche, intelligence, or tachyon chooses them into existence!  However, once these things have been chosen into existence, they REALLY DO EXIST!  Physical atoms or tardyons or spacetime were an idea, BEFORE they were constructed and made real or caused to exist by the Tachyons or the Gods.

By default, particles of energy are tachyonic tachyons or omnipotent particles of spirit matter, until they choose to be something else!  Tachyons can choose to be whatever they want to be, because energy is infinitely malleable.  Remember, energy is alive because energy cannot die.  Energy or the tachyons are conserved!  Tachyons or particles of energy can choose to be luxons or tardyons!  Tachyons have to exist in order to “turn on” and “turn off” the tardyons and the luxons!

We physicists call particles of energy “matter’, which means that particles of energy are in FACT particles of spirit matter.  The materialists, naturalists, nihilists, and atheists refuse to accept the FACT that particles of energy are particles of spirit matter, and that particles of spirit matter are tachyons.  These atheistic people refuse to accept the FACT that quanta are packets of spirit matter, or packets of tachyons, or packets of energy.  My atheist friend refuses to accept the FACT that spirits exist, even though quanta are spirits or packets of spirit matter.  Atheists deny the existence of tachyons, psyches, intelligences, or particles of energy even though they are the same exact thing.

Energy is infinitely malleable which means that spirits are infinitely malleable.  They can assume any form that they want.  Tachyons, or particles of spirit matter, or particles of energy can transform themselves into luxons and tardyons anytime they choose to do so, and then back again into tachyons.  This quantum phenomenon or tachyonic phenomenon is known as the perpetual motion cycle!  Tachyons, or particles of energy, or the quantum fields are in fact perpetual motion machines!  They can’t die or end!

If you deny the existence of energy or the tachyonic or the conserved, then you really aren’t a scientist.  You are instead a sophist or an atheist.  Sophists deny the existence of the things they don’t like.  It’s the head-in-the-sand philosophy.  Sophistry is a philosophical attempt to convince us that a lie is true.  Sophists will look at the sun or a tachyon, tell you that it doesn’t exist, and then try to use logic or philosophy or intimidation or trickery to convince you that it doesn’t exist.  That’s what sophists do.  Our materialistic, naturalistic, nihilistic, and atheistic scientists and college professors are sophists.  They are actively and deliberately and forcefully trying to convince us that their lies are true.  These people are trying to convince us that tachyons, psyches, intelligences, or particles of energy DO NOT EXIST.  If you believe them, then you are a materialist, naturalist, nihilist, behaviorist, or atheist.  I no longer believe them, so I’m no longer an atheist.

Remember, the atheists don’t want to know the truth, which is why they will NEVER have the truth.  The atheists reject the truth and deny the existence of the truth.  The atheists are much more comfortable with the deceptions and the lies.  The atheists reject the evidence and deny the existence of the evidence that they personally don’t like, which means that atheism is one of the Denialistic Philosophies of Science.  Remember, self-deception works, and it works every time.  You will NEVER find and know the truth by denying its existence as the materialists, naturalists, nihilists, and atheists do.

Tachyons ARE psyches, intelligences, particles of spirit matter, the quantum fields, or particles of energy.  Tachyons obviously exist because we obviously exist.  Tachyons have to exist because something has to be there to conserve energy, to conserve quantum information, and to “turn on” and “turn off” the luxons and the tardyons.  Tachyons ARE massless, entropyless, non-physical, intangible, non-local, hyperdimensional, infinite, unlimited, syntropic, omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, conserved particles of energy.  WE KNOW that particles of energy exist; therefore, WE KNOW that tachyons exist.

Mark My Words





Defining Quanta

Defining Quanta


According to a Light Cone Chart, everything in this universe is either a tardyon, a luxon, or a tachyon.  By definition, quanta are packets of energy, which means that quanta are made from particles of energy.  There are luxonic quanta and tardyonic quanta, which means that there also has to be tachyonic quanta or conserved quanta.

“Conserved” is one of the definitions for “tachyonic” or “quantum mechanical”.  Tachyons or particles of energy are conserved.  ALL of the conservation in this universe is taking place within the tachyons, because luxons and tardyons are not conserved.

According to the First Law of Thermodynamics, energy is conserved.  That means that tachyons or particles of energy are conserved!  Since luxons and tardyons are NOT CONSERVED, that means that ALL of the conservation in this universe has to be taking place within the tachyons.

Tachyons, tachyonic quanta, and conserved quanta have to exist; otherwise, the conservation of energy and conserved quantum information and conserved quantum memories couldn’t possibly exist.  That’s how I first discovered Conserved Quanta or Tachyonic Quanta, when I first realized that it is physically impossible to conserve quantum information within the luxons and the tardyons.  Particles of energy contain quantum information.  That quantum information or those particles of energy can be gathering into and stored within and conserved within Conserved Quanta, or Tachyonic Quanta, or Quantized Psyches, or Infinite Singularities thanks to the Quantum Law of Superposition.

We physicists and scientists call particles of energy “matter”.  That means that massless, entropyless, non-physical, intangible, syntropic, conserved particles of energy are in fact particles of spirit matter.  It’s the same stuff, just a different name for the same thing.  Particles of energy are particles of spirit matter or tachyons.  That means that quanta are spirits!  Both quanta and spirits are made from particles of energy, or particles of spirit matter, or tachyons.  This Science is obviously true; and it successfully reconciles Science with Religion.  Truth remains true whether it’s coming from Science or Religion.  Once you have found the truth, then there is NO difference between Science and Religion.  They become the same thing in the end.  Everything is supposed to be based upon truth!

This Ultimate Model of Reality is really simple to understand.  Particles of energy are in fact particles of spirit matter; and particles of spirit matter are in fact tachyons, psyches, or intelligences.  That means that quanta are packets of spirit matter, packets of tachyons, or packets of energy.  That also means that quanta are spirits.  Quanta, or spirits, or particles of spirit matter, or particles of energy, or tachyons can assume any form they desire because energy or spirit matter is infinitely malleable.  It’s ALL the same stuff in the end.  That means that tachyons can transform themselves into tardyons or luxons at will, and then back again into tachyons!  These scientific truths explain everything that has ever been experienced, observed, or verified.  This really is the Ultimate Model of Reality.

Energy or particles of energy contain intelligence or quantum information.  Tachyons are particles of energy, particles of spirit matter, psyches, or intelligences.  Quanta are spirits.  Quanta or spirits ARE packets of energy, or packets of spirit matter, or packets of tachyons.  Tachyonic Quanta or Conserved Quanta are conserved spirits, conserved intelligences, conserved psyches, or conserving quanta.  The “conservation of quantum information” or “conserved quantum memories” are formed, found, and stored within Conserved Quanta, Tachyonic Quanta, Infinite Singularities, or Quantized Psyches.  This is what we have experienced and observed; therefore, WE KNOW that it is true.  Tachyons or conserved particles of spirit matter have to exist; otherwise, the conservation of energy couldn’t possibly exist, and we wouldn’t exist.

The second law of thermodynamics or nihilism gives us the erroneous impression that energy runs down or runs out, and that tachyons are NOT conserved.  The second law of thermodynamics or nihilism was deliberately designed to falsify and eliminate the Conservation of Energy, the Conservation of Tachyons, or the First Law of Thermodynamics.  The whole purpose of nihilism or the second law of thermodynamics is to convince you that death is permanent – that there is NOTHING tachyonic, exergic, or conserved within you.  “Death” is in fact one of the definitions for entropy and the second law of thermodynamics.  The second law is nihilism!  Where thermodynamics is concerned, it’s typically called “heat death”; but no matter how it is portrayed or used or explained, through the second law of thermodynamics, the nihilists and atheists make entropy synonymous with disorder and death in an attempt to convince you that death is permanent and cannot be reversed!

The atheists want you to believe that death is conserved!  Alas, the first law of thermodynamics and the second law of thermodynamics are mutually exclusive.  They falsify each other.  If one of them can be demonstrated to be true or verified, then the other one has automatically been falsified.  So, which one is true, and which one is false?  I KNOW which one is false because I KNOW which one is true.  The one that has actually been experienced, observed, and repeatedly verified is the one that is in fact true!  The one that has been falsified a dozen different ways is the one that is in fact false!

Beginning in 2018, as a scientist and statistician, I started finding a dozen different ways to falsify the second law of thermodynamics, replacing it with Syntropy instead.  Syntropy means entropyless.  I eventually discovered that entropy is a tardyon or a switch that can be “turned on” and “turned off” at will by the Tachyons, the Conserved Quanta, or the Gods.  Thanks to conservation of quantum information or quantum memories within Tachyonic Quanta or Conserved Quanta, death is NOT permanent.  Instead, death is a temporary, or temporal, or tardyonic phenomenon!  Tardyons and luxons start and end.  In other words, tardyons and luxons are born, and they can also DIE or END.  In contrast, tachyons or particles of energy are eternal, everlasting, indestructible, and conserved.  Your consciousness and your life go on into your next lives because your tachyonic quantum, conserved quantum, spirit, soul, or human psyche is conserved and cannot die.  The second law of thermodynamics or nihilism was designed to hide these scientific truths from you.

The whole purpose of materialism, naturalism, nihilism, and atheism is to convince you that (T = 0) – namely that Tachyons, exergy, syntropy, eternal life, conservation, or conserved quanta are non-existent.  Atheism of any type is the lie.  In contrast, Tachyons, Conservation of Energy, Exergy, Syntropy, and the “Conservation of Conserved Quantum Information within Conserved Quanta” represent the Truths in Science that the materialists, naturalists, nihilists, and atheists are trying to hide from us.

The atheists don’t want you to believe that some part of you lives on, after your physical body dies.  That’s their agenda!  The atheists are trying to convince you that death is permanent so that they don’t have to deal with the consequences of their forthcoming afterlife as a Tachyon, Conserved Quantum, Spirit, Psyche, Intelligence, or Soul.  The whole purpose of atheism is to convince you that you don’t have a soul, or that tachyons don’t exist.  “Tachyons equals zero (T = 0)” is atheism!  The atheists want you to die and stay dead.  The atheists are trying to convince you that tachyons and luxons don’t exist.

I’m no longer afraid of the truth because I’m no longer a materialist, naturalist, nihilist, or atheist.  My materialism, naturalism, and nihilism DIED in December 2015, when I found convincing observational evidence, experiential evidence, and scientific evidence proving that materialism, naturalism, and nihilism are FALSE.  There’s no going back to the deceptions and the lies, now that I KNOW the truth!

My atheism died during 2016, when I started discovering and developing Scientific Proof of God’s Necessity or Scientific Proof of God’s Existence.

It was Science itself that convinced me that God, or the Tachyons, or the Controlling Conserved Quanta do in fact exist.  They have to exist in order for us to exist.  There has to be some Syntropy in this universe, or Conservation in this universe, or something Tachyonic and Omnipotent in this universe; otherwise, NONE of this would exist and the second law of thermodynamics would actually be true.  The tachyons or conserved particles of energy have to be there in order to “turn on” and “turn off” the tardyons and the luxons!

Energy or tachyons are conserved, which means that they cannot end or die!  Energy or spirit is conscious, intelligent, perceptive, sentient, psychic, tachyonic, omnipotent, and alive.  Energy or spirit is life force.  Spirits are quanta, or packets of energy, or packets of tachyons.  Photons are massless, entropyless, syntropic, intangible, non-physical spirits or quanta.  Quanta are spirits; and every scientist should know that quanta or packets of energy exist.  This is what we have experienced and observed after all; therefore, we should KNOW that it is true!

Your quanta or spirits or spirit body will go on after your physical body dies, because energy is conserved which means that energy cannot DIE or END!  Energy or your tachyons ARE life force.  It can’t die!  It can’t end!  Energy or spirit matter is conscious, sentient, perceptive, intelligent, and alive.  Energy or tachyons or spirits contain quantum information or quantum memories!  It’s that simple!

Out-of-body explorers and near-death experiencers have experienced and observed that spirits, or energy beings, can quantum tunnel or teleport whenever they choose to do so.  By definition, quantum tunneling IS tachyonic!  By observation, WE KNOW that tachyons or energy beings can quantum tunnel.  This quantum phenomenon has been repeatedly observed and verified!  Therefore, WE KNOW that spirits, energy beings, particles of spirit matter, particles of energy, and the quantum fields are tachyonic tachyons.  They are tachyonic because they can travel faster than the speed-of-light at will, whenever they choose to do so.  They are tachyonic because they are omnipresent and omnipotent!  They are tachyonic because they are conserved!  They are tachyonic because they are infinite and unlimited!  They are tachyonic because they are particles of energy.

It has been observed that tachyons or spirits choose to travel at whatever speed they want to travel!  They can even quantum tunnel!  They can also stop or stand still!  Tachyons can transform themselves into luxons and tardyons at will, and then back again into tachyons!  Luxons and tardyons are switches.  They can be turned on and turned off by Tachyons or the Gods at will.  Tachyons, psyches, intelligences, or particles of energy don’t have to travel faster than the speed-of-light, but they can if they choose to do so – unless they place themselves into a luxonic or a tardyonic state.  Do you see how that works?  It explains everything, does it not?  Everything in this universe is either a tardyon, a luxon, or a tachyon!  This Ultimate Model of Reality explains everything that has ever been experienced or observed!  Nothing is excluded!

Remember, the massless, entropyless, intangible, syntropic, non-physical tachyonic quanta or conserved quanta have to exist; otherwise, there would be no place in this universe for the Conservation of Energy, the Conservation of Quantum Information, the Conservation of Quantum Memories, and the other Conservation Laws to take place or reside because luxons and tardyons are NOT conserved!  Luxons and tardyons BEGIN and END.  Only the tachyons, or the particles of energy, or the particles of spirit matter are truly conserved.

Since ALL of the conservation in this universe is taking place within the tachyons, that means that tachyons are particles of energy or particles of spirit matter.  Tachyons are Gods within their sphere of influence.  The quantum fields are tachyons!  The Gods are tachyons!  Tachyons are psyches, intelligences, particles of energy, or particles of spirit matter.  Tachyonic means “omnipotent” or “God-like” or “conserved” or “supernatural”.  The tachyons or conserved quanta have to exist; otherwise, there would be no place in this universe for the Conservation Laws and the Conserved to exist.  Since tardyons and luxons are NOT conserved, that means that ALL of the conservation has to be taking place within the tachyons or particles of energy.  This is obviously true; otherwise, the Conservation of Energy would not exist!  Quantum mechanics is clearly and obviously tachyonic, because it has NO physical limitations!  The tachyons are particles of energy; and the particles of energy clearly and obviously exist!

I refuse to fight the obvious or to deny the existence of the obvious.  I despise sophistry.  I prefer to go with the observations and experiences of the human race instead.  Observations can’t be refuted nor falsified.  They have been experienced, which means that they have been entered into evidence.  The best that we can do with observations is to clarify them or to explain them with additional observations, through a preponderance of the evidence.  Energy or the tachyonic has been experienced and observed; therefore, WE KNOW that it exists!  There’s NO logical sense denying its existence as the materialists, naturalists, nihilists, and atheists do.

Due to their extreme fear of God, the atheists toss out anything that’s God-like, supernatural, or tachyonic; but, the tachyonic or God-like Tachyons, Particles of Energy, Spirits, or Quanta have to exist in order for the rest of the stuff to exist, because there has to be something God-like and indestructible and conserved within physics who is capable of turning on and turning off the luxons and the tardyons and spacetime at will.  According to quantum mechanics, something tachyonic or omnipotent has to START the quantum waves and then later COLLAPSE the wave function; otherwise, physics would break and end!

The atheists are constantly trying to tell us and convince us that tachyons, psyches, intelligences, particles of spirit matter, or particles energy DO NOT EXIST.  Are they not?  The atheists are constantly trying to tell us and convince us that quanta, spirits, luxons, photons, or quantum waves DO NOT EXIST.  The atheists deny the existence of luxons and tachyons.  I don’t believe them, because the atheists don’t know what they are talking about when it comes to Science, Quantum Mechanics, and Tachyonic Physics.  Atheism is lots of posturing but no substance.  My scientific explanatory power increased exponentially once I finally abandoned and rejected and falsified my materialism, naturalism, nihilism, and atheism replacing them with scientific observations instead.

The scientific truths, that the atheists have rejected, have given me the answer to life, the universe, and everything.  The atheists deny the existence of luxons and tachyons.  By allowing luxons and tachyons to exist within my worldview or philosophy of science, I now KNOW what everything is and how it works.  Science doesn’t get any better than that!

Mark My Words





Defining and Debunking Magic

Defining and Debunking Magic


Just like there are many different definitions for Conserved Quanta or Tachyonic Quanta, there are many different definitions for “magic”.

Creation Ex Nihilo or Creation by Chance is magic in the truest sense of the word – the creation of something from nothing by nothing.  That’s magic!  Both the Christians and the Atheists teach and preach Creation Ex Nihilo; and it’s FALSE whether it’s coming from the Christians or the Atheists or the Scientists.  Not even the Tachyons or the Gods can do Creation Ex Nihilo; and CHANCE cannot do design and creation either!  Design and creation and manufacturing require that intelligent choices be made; and if you observe carefully, you will soon discover that choice and chance are mutually exclusive.  They preclude each other or prevent each other.  ONLY tachyons, psyches, intelligences, particles of spirit matter, or particles of energy can do choice!  Once a choice has been made and enacted, then chance ceases to exist!

Creation Ex Nihilo or Creation by Chance is pure magic, because it is physically impossible.  Not even the Gods or the Tachyons can do Creation Ex Nihilo!  However, the Gods or the Tachyons CAN DO CHOICE, which means that they can DO design and creation and engineering and manufacturing!  The Tachyons can transform themselves into anything that they want to be, because tachyons are particles of energy or particles of spirit matter, and particles of energy are omnipotent, conscious, sentient, and infinitely malleable.

Quantum mechanics, tachyonic physics, transdimensional physics, or the supernatural can seem like magic to a tardyonic, physical, or entropic human being.  However, quantum mechanics, or the superpowered tachyonic, or action at a distance, or quantum field theory are NOT magic because they have a logical and rational scientific explanation.  Nevertheless, it’s quantum mechanics or action at a distance or tachyonic physics that the materialists, naturalists, nihilists, and atheists define as “magic”, “physically impossible”, and “non-existent”.  The atheists get everything wrong when it comes to biology and physics, because the atheists deny the existence of the tachyonic.

The Materialists, Physicalists, Naturalists, Darwinists, Nihilists, Behaviorists, Atomists, Hard Determinists, and Atheists are willing to accept and believe in Creation Ex Nihilo because in their minds it eliminates the need for God; but, these same atheistic people refuse to accept and believe in tachyons, or particles of energy, or particles of spirit matter because these things reveal God to us!  The atheists cherry-pick the evidence, tossing out or deleting the scientific evidence that they don’t like and only keeping the theories or the philosophies or the sophistry that they do like.

Einstein refused to believe in quantum mechanics, tachyonic physics, or action at a distance considering it to be impossible.  However, “action at a distance” does not exist at the quantum level or the tachyonic level because everything is directly and instantly connected with everything else at the quantum level through the quantum fields.  There is NO action at a distance at the quantum level because everything is directly and instantly connected with everything else at the quantum level or the tachyonic level.  There is NO action at a distance at the tachyonic level because there is NO distance or NO time delay at the quantum level among the quantum fields or the spirit world.

That means that quantum mechanics or tachyonic physics or omnipotent energy is NOT magic, because it has a logical and rational scientific explanation, and because it has been repeatedly experienced, observed, and verified!  Tachyons are particles of energy!

Creation Ex Nihilo or Creation by Chance is magic because it has NEVER been experienced, observed, replicated, or verified.  In contrast, every theory in quantum mechanics or tachyonic physics has been repeatedly observed, experienced, and verified; therefore, WE KNOW that it is true.  In other words, WE KNOW that it is Real Science, and not magic.

Quanta are spirits, or packets of energy, or packets of spirit matter, or packets of tachyons.  The quantum fields or the spirit world or the tachyonic realm is the same exact quantum phenomenon or tachyonic phenomenon.  It really exists.  The tachyonic has to exist in order for the luxonic and the tardyonic to exist.  The luxonic and the tardyonic cannot exist within NOTHING as the materialists, naturalists, nihilists, and atheists claim that it does.

Out-of-body explorers and near-death experiencers have observed that at the quantum level in the spirit world or the quantum fields, there is a Servitor or a God who can read your mind and grants your requests.  This Servitor reads your mind, knows precisely where you want to go, and teleports you there instantly.  There are NO time delays at the quantum level, which means that there is NO distance at the quantum level, which means that “action at a distance” doesn’t exist at the quantum level in the tachyonic realm because everything happens at an infinite velocity instantaneously in the quantum realm once a choice has been made.  This is Science that Einstein and the atheists got wrong.  Einstein and the atheists were stuck within the Light Cone and could never get out!  Einstein denied the existence of the tachyonic.  The atheists deny the existence of luxons and tachyons.  They both are effectively stuck within the Light Cone and can’t get out.

You see, the quantum fields are spirits, or tachyons, or quanta, which means that the quantum fields are sentient, conscious, perceptive, and alive.  The quantum fields are Gods in every sense of the word!  The quantum fields can design and create at will, and then enforce their commands, designs, laws, and creations at a universal scale.  The quantum fields can do anything that they want to do and make anything that they want to make.  That’s the very definition of a God!

Furthermore, the Grand Secret of the Universe tells us that everything in this universe is made from tachyons or particles of energy BY Tachyons, or Conserved Quanta, or the Gods.  This is the grand secret that the materialists, naturalists, nihilists, and atheists have been trying to hide from us for thousands of years.  Everything is made from tachyons by tachyons!  Tachyons, psyches, intelligences, particles of energy, or particles of spirit matter are the same exact thing.  They are omnipotent, hyperdimensional, and God-like in their native original form.

When it comes to the quantum fields or the tachyonic realm or quantum mechanics or the energy realm or the spirit world, it’s NOT magic, because it has a logical, rational, and demonstrably true scientific explanation that has been repeatedly experienced, observed, and verified.

In the Harry Potter books and movies, as well as any fantasy series that depends upon magic or creation ex nihilo or superpowers, the whole purpose for “magic” is to eliminate their need for God.  You don’t need God if you can do magic or already have superpowers.  Magic promotes atheism.  The purpose for magic or superpowers is to eliminate their need for God and to turn themselves into Gods instead.  That’s one of the ways we know that magic or creation ex nihilo does not exist, because it has NEVER been experienced or observed or replicated.

Creation Ex Nihilo predicts that we should be observing spontaneous generation, chemical evolution, abiogenesis, and macro-evolution in real time right before our eyes like we see in the movies Evolution and Annihilation.  The fact that we don’t observe what Creation Ex Nihilo predicts that we should be observing is scientific proof that Creation Ex Nihilo or that type of magic is false.

In contrast, every type of quantum mechanics or tachyonic physics has been repeatedly verified, which means that it’s NOT magic.  Quantum mechanics, energy mechanics, or tachyonic physics is proven and verified Science.  It can’t be magic if it has a proven and verified scientific explanation that has been repeatedly experienced, observed, demonstrated, and replicated.

Tachyons are particles of energy or particles of spirit matter.  Tachyons obviously exist because omnipotent or tachyonic particles of energy obviously exist.  Energy or the tachyonic has been repeatedly experienced, observed, and verified; therefore, WE KNOW that it truly exists.  It’s NOT magic if it actually exists!

Mark My Words





Reference Frames and Mass


In one of my classical physics books, we have this definition for energy and mass, “Energy at rest is just called mass.”  Frozen energy or stationary energy is mass.  Energy that has locked itself into spacetime or has localized itself in spacetime is called “mass”.  Energy that has chosen to rest is called mass.  This is really simple to understand.

In terms of quantum mechanics, mass is energy that has chosen to localize itself in spacetime and has chosen to limit its velocity or speed to something less than the speed-of-light.  Mass is energy that has chosen to move slowly or has chosen to stop moving.  Mass is energy that stops, or is stationary, or is moving slowly.  Classical physics is about the Rules.  Quantum mechanics is about Choice.

In terms of quantum mechanics, mass, gravity, and entropy are best defined as “resistance to acceleration”.  Mass resists acceleration, which means that mass resists quantum tunneling and infinite acceleration and infinite velocities.  Mass resists quantum mechanics!  Tardyons are mass.  Tardyons resist acceleration!

According to quantum mechanics and our observations of the perpetual motion cycle in action, particles of energy or particles of spirit matter or tachyons can choose to turn off mass, gravity, entropy, or “resistance to acceleration” at will; and then quantum tunnel instantaneously to their chosen destination instead.

Mass or “resistance to acceleration” is chosen into existence by quantized psyches, conserved quanta, or intelligences.  Mass or entropy doesn’t exist until it is chosen into existence and enforced by some type of quantum intelligence.  The same conserved quantum who chose the mass into existence – and is now enforcing that mass or “resistance to acceleration” – can choose to turn off the mass, or entropy, or resistance to acceleration anytime that it wants to do so.  Mass is a choice made by conserved quanta, intelligences, or quantized psyches.

When a physical atom converts itself into exergy or photons or quantum waves, those photons turn off their entropy, mass, or resistance to acceleration; and then they experience infinite acceleration instead.  In other words, they go from zero to the speed-of-light instantaneously.  That’s infinite acceleration!  They instantly become massless, entropyless, and gravityless!  Infinite acceleration happens faster than the speed-of-light because the quantum object has phase-shifted into the quantum realm or has quantum tunneled.  This is how things really work according to quantum mechanics, quantum field theory, and the perpetual motion cycle.  Quantized Psyches, Intelligences, Tachyons, or Conserved Quanta can turn off mass, entropy, gravity, and resistance to acceleration at will.

Mass is a self-imposed physical limitation, because energy can travel at an infinite velocity if it chooses to do so.  Tachyons are particles of energy or quanta or photons, who have chosen to travel faster than the speed-of-light or have chosen to quantum tunnel instantaneously to their destination.  Energy can choose to quantum tunnel or choose to travel at an infinite velocity, if it wants to do so.  Energy is intelligent and alive, because energy cannot die.  Energy is conscious, perceptive, sentient, self-aware, and can make choices.  Quantum mechanics is the scientific study of the choices that particles of energy or tachyons can make.

A conserved quantum or a quantized psyche is a hyperdimensional Energy Being or a tachyon, unless it gets trapped within an entropic physical atom or a physical body.  Light cones can teach us about tachyons or psyches.

Tachyons can make and end luxons and tardyons at will.

Science needed a fresh pair of eyes from an open-minded unbiased outsider!  Science desperately needed someone who was willing to think outside of the box or the light cone!  I redid Science from the ground up.  I like the results because now I can explain in scientific terms what everything is and how it works!

By definition, a tardyon is a quantum or a packet of energy who has chosen to travel or exist at a velocity less than the speed-of-light.  Mass or entropy is a tardyon.  Gravity is a function of tardyons or mass.  An entropic physical atom is a tardyon.  It is retarded or restricted when it comes to its velocity.  It has chosen to freeze or to hold still.  It has chosen to localize itself in spacetime.  By definition, mass or entropy or gravity or physical matter is located within the light cone or trapped within the light cone.  It is a tardyon.  Resistance to acceleration is a tardyon.  The realm of mass or spacetime exists within the light cone.  It’s a tardyon.  It’s temporal or temporary or tardy.  It exhibits a time delay which produces the illusion of distance between physical objects.  The light cone is a 3D spacetime prison for entropic physical atoms, and anything contained within them.  It’s right there on the light cone chart plain as day.

By definition, a luxon or a photon is a quantum or a packet of energy who has chosen to travel at the speed-of-light.  It has chosen to retain a connection with this physical mass-based 3D spacetime realm, so that it can phase-shift back into our 3D spacetime realm anytime that it chooses to do so.  A photon or luxon has temporarily turned off its mass, entropy, gravity, or resistance to acceleration!  In other words, time has stopped or “the passage of time” has gone to zero for a photon or a luxon.  A photon or a luxon doesn’t age because it has no entropy or no resistance to acceleration within it, because time or the aging process or entropy has temporarily stopped or ceased to exist for a luxon or a photon.

Notice that, according to the light cone chart, a tachyon exists outside of space and time!  A tachyon is not subject to spacetime!  A tachyon is a hyperdimensional Energy Being!  A tachyon is a spirit.  There are many different types of tachyons.  A conserved quantum or a quantized psyche or a master intelligence is a tachyon, unless it gets trapped within or localized within an entropic physical atom or a physical body or a tardyon.

By definition, a tachyon is a quantum or a packet of energy who has chosen to travel at a velocity greater than the speed-of-light, outside of the physical limitations set by spacetime.  A tachyon is a free spirit.  A tachyon is a transdimensional particle or spiritual particle who has completely separated itself from mass, entropy, gravity, and spacetime.  A tachyon exists outside of the light cone!  That means that a tachyon is transdimensional, or extradimensional, or spiritual, or supernatural.  A tachyon has NO mass, NO entropy, NO gravity, and NO resistance to acceleration.  It exists outside of space and time.  A tachyon is an extradimensional and transdimensional Energy Being.  A tachyon is “off the chart”.  A tachyon exists outside of spacetime and is not subject to the limitations of spacetime.  Mass, entropy, resistance to acceleration, and gravity do not apply to a tachyon.  A tachyon is a massless and entropyless and gravityless “state of being”.  A tachyon or conserved quantum has the potential to become a God.

You could say that the Gods are Tachyons.  The Gods are hyperdimensional Energy Beings.  Just like there are many different types of spirit matter, there are many different types of tachyons.  Being or becoming a massless and entropyless tachyon is a matter of choice – a choice made by the conserved quanta, intelligences, or quantized psyches within that quantum of energy.  A Conserved Quantum or a Quantized Psyche is a massless and entropyless tachyon.

A conserved quantum or a quantized psyche is a hyperdimensional Energy Being or a tachyon, unless it gets trapped within an entropic physical atom or a physical body or a tardyon or the light cone.  Light cones can teach us about tachyons or psyches.  The materialists, naturalists, nihilists, and atheists ignore and reject everything outside of the light cone; but the light cone wouldn’t exist without the things that exist outside of the light cone and give the light cone shape and substance.  The light cone represents our 3D physical spacetime realm.  Everything outside of the light cone represents the hyperdimensional realms, the quantum realms, the transdimensional realms, the heavenly realms, the tachyonic realms, or the spirit world.  The light cone or the spacetime realm is a small subset of the much larger and much grander hyperdimensional realm, quantum realm, or spirit world.  Remember, the quantum fields permeate the whole thing, both inside the light cone and outside the light cone.  The tachyonic or omnipotent quantum fields are what holds everything together into one grand united verse.

A tachyon has become unhinged, omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient.  A tachyon is a spirit body or a particle of spirit matter or an intelligence or a conserved quantum.  It has NO physical limitations.  A tachyon or psyche is a hyperdimensional Energy Being.  A tachyon is purely a quantum object, or a spiritual object, or a non-physical object.  The quantum fields are tachyons!  Quantized Psyches, Intelligences, or Conserved Quanta are syntropic tachyons in their native original form or environment.  Spirit matter in its native format consists of tachyons.  Psyches or intelligences are tachyons, unless they get trapped within an entropic physical atom.  Do you see how that works?  It explains everything that has ever been experienced or observed.

Tachyons are massless and entropyless and gravityless spirits, intelligences, psyches, particles of energy, or particles of spirit matter.   That’s why the atheists, nihilists, and naturalists are adamant that tachyons do not exist, because the verified and proven existence of massless and entropyless tachyons, or quanta, or photons, or quantum tunneling, or transpersonal psychology, or spirit matter, or intelligences, or quantized psyches, or action at a distance, or quantum mechanics would falsify their belief system.  The atheists deny the existence of anything that falsifies their beliefs.  That’s how they do “science”.  Quantum mechanics, quantum field theory, psyches, quanta, photons, conserved quanta, and tachyons falsify materialism, naturalism, nihilism, behaviorism, atheism, and their derivatives to one extent or another.  Quantum mechanics is obviously tachyonic!  In contrast, classical physics is tardyonic, and the theory of relativity is luxonic.

Each particle of energy is a psyche or an intelligence or a tachyon who is capable of making choices.  That’s quantum mechanics.  As physicists, we define particles of energy as “matter”.  This means that the smallest intelligences or the smallest particles of energy are in fact particles of spirit matter.  Everything is made from particles of energy or particles of spirit matter, including physical atoms and the quantum fields.  It’s all energy, power, or light!  Everything in this universe is an Energy Being, including entropic physical atoms!  Everything in this universe is made from tachyons or particles of energy.

Quantum mechanics or energy mechanics is the scientific study of the infinite, unlimited, unrestricted, non-local, omnipresent quantum realm or transdimensional realm.  In contrast, classical physics is the scientific study of the limited, restricted, localized, physical, mass-based 3D spacetime realm.  They both exist!  It’s right there on the light cone chart for anyone to see!

It’s hard to see it or sense it on the chart, but there is a lot more outside of the light cone – within the tachyonic, or spiritual, or hyperdimensional realms – than there is within the 3D physical spacetime realm of the light cone.

By definition, tachyons are massless, entropyless, gravityless, non-physical, hyperdimensional Energy Beings or Intelligences who have NO resistance to acceleration within them.  Particles of spirit matter, or intelligences, or psyches, or thoughts, or quantum waves are tachyons.  Conserved quantum information can function as tachyons.  In their native original form, particles of energy are tachyons.  Tachyons can travel at any speed they desire, or even choose to stop, because tachyons can transform themselves into luxons or tardyons or photons or mass at will.  This is the Grand Secret.  Everything is made from tachyons by tachyons.  Tachyons are particles of energy.  Particles of spirit matter or tachyons have been experienced and observed by out-of-body explorers and near-death experiences; therefore, WE KNOW that they exist!  Quantum waves and thoughts and conserved quantum information are proven and verified Science.  Quantum waves and thoughts and cognitions and quantum memories are tachyons; therefore, WE KNOW that tachyons exist.  Quantum mechanics is obviously tachyonic, syntropic, or conserved!  Tardyons or entropic physical atoms are not.

The physicalists, naturalists, nihilists, behaviorists, and atheists have unitedly chosen to believe that the infinite or the unlimited does not exist!  NONE of this is going to be acceptable to the atheists because they have chosen to believe that the intangible, the non-physical, and the infinite do not exist.  They have chosen to believe and have publicly declared that tachyons do not exist and that quantum tunneling does not exist.  That’s the way these people do “science” and quantum mechanics – they define it out of existence – they deny its existence.  These people will never accept the existence of psyches, intelligences, quanta, conserved quanta, tachyons, tachyonic quanta, quantum mechanics, or particles of spirit matter because these non-physical, massless, and entropyless hyperdimensional quantum objects and processes falsify their chosen beliefs.

I spent a couple of years interacting with and then debating with the atheists online.  I had to see if they had anything of significance to offer us.  They had nothing.  Their beliefs lacked substance.  They were hollow and empty.  They were nothing.  They had NO observational evidence and NO scientific evidence to support their fundamental beliefs.  Their beliefs had no significance or value.  Their atheistic beliefs were based upon blind-faith and dogma alone.  Their beliefs were nothing but sophistry.  Sophistry is a philosophical attempt to convince you that a lie is true.  The only thing the atheists had to offer was mocking and ridicule.  That gets old and boring after a while.

The atheists have told me that I’m cheating whenever I define classical physics in terms of non-physical physics or quantum mechanics or tachyonic physics.  Of course, from my perspective or reference frame, they lie and cheat whenever they tell us that the non-physical or the quantum or the tachyonic does not exist.

I can see with my own eyes that massless, entropyless, non-physical photons or quanta do in fact exist!  Therefore, I KNOW that the atheists are wrong whenever they claim that the non-physical or the massless does not exist.  I define massless and entropyless and gravityless as “non-physical”, “transdimensional”, “intangible”, “non-local”, “tachyonic”, “hyperdimensional”, “syntropic”, or “quantum”.  This is really simple to understand once we realize that the materialists, naturalists, nihilists, behaviorists, and atheists are wrong whenever they make the claim that the non-physical or the quantum does not exist.

What we observe from quantum mechanics or energy mechanics is based upon our reference frame or personal perspective.  From the perspective or reference frame of the quantum tunneler or photon or tachyon, TIME STOPS; and then they teleport or quantum tunnel instantaneously at an infinite velocity to their chosen destination.  From the perspective or reference frame of an outside observer who is trapped within spacetime, the same event is witnessed as quantum phase-shifting; and the quantum tunneler or photon or tachyon travels the whole distance out-of-phase, from the perspective or the reference frame of someone trapped within spacetime.

When I and the car I was driving were quantum tunneled to safety, from my perspective or reference frame, TIME STOPPED; I was frozen in time; and then instantaneously I was somewhere else with the car completely stopped and turned off.  That’s how I experienced the event.  From the perspective of the outside observer trapped within spacetime, he observed the same event as quantum phase-shifting, and I simply passed through that other car unphased and unscathed.  From his perspective or reference frame, I traveled the whole distance.

These observations are completely compatible with the Theory of Relativity.  According to special relativity, at the speed-of-light or faster, TIME STOPS, distance contracts to zero or the object becomes omnipresent, the time delay or the entropy or the resistance to acceleration goes to zero, gravity or mass temporarily goes to zero, acceleration thereby goes infinite, and velocity becomes potentially infinite.  Traveling quanta or photons or tachyons CHOOSE how they want to interface with our physical reality; and they have to make that choice when they CHOOSE to stop traveling, if they haven’t made that choice before they launched.

It is said that photons know where they are going to land before they launch; otherwise, they don’t launch.  That’s quantum omniscience and quantum omnipresence in action.

From the perspective or reference frame of the photon or the tachyon traveling at the speed-of-light or faster, TIME STOPS; and that photon or tachyon simply quantum tunnels to its destination experiencing nothing during the journey.  However, from the perspective of someone trapped within spacetime, that same event is observed as quantum phase-shifting; and the photon travels the whole distance, and it takes 13.2 billion years for that photon to reach our earth and our eyes.

A photon can choose to be a tachyon, choose to quantum tunnel, choose to travel at an infinite velocity, and choose to pass through a black hole as if the black hole weren’t even there.  A traveling quantum, such as a photon or tachyon, chooses how it wants to interface with our physical spacetime reality when it lands or stops.  In contrast, a stationary quantum, such as a quark or entropic physical atom, has already chosen how it wants to interface with our physical reality.  It has already chosen to localize itself within space and time.

The quantum tunneling event, that I experienced, happened forty years ago back in 1979, when I was eighteen years old.  My life’s mission has been to try to find a scientific explanation for what happened to me back then during that event.  It took me over thirty-five years to do so.  I even went through periods or phases where I convinced myself that it didn’t happen.  You see, back in 1979, our atheistic scientists had convinced themselves and us that there is no such thing as quantum tunneling and that it is physically impossible for a physical object to quantum tunnel.  Now, here in 2020, WE KNOW that the atheists are wrong.  The atheistic scientists predicted that we would observe that the non-physical or the intangible does not exist.  It was called “promissory materialism”.  We failed to observe what the atheistic scientists predicted that we should be observing; therefore, atheism is false.

Instead, the Quantum Zeno Effect has been verified.  Entropic physical atoms won’t move and won’t quantum tunnel while you watch them.  The Quantum Zeno Effect is transpersonal psychology, or psyche-to-psyche communication, or telepathy, or mind-reading, or Wi-Fi at the quantum level.  Psyches or conserved quanta or tachyons use quantum waves to communicate with each other instantaneously through the quantum fields.  This is what we have experienced and observed; therefore, WE KNOW that it is true.

Entropic physical atoms can quantum tunnel short distances while we are not watching them, or observing them, or using them.  According to the Quantum Zeno Effect, entropic physical atoms have psyches or intelligences within them who can read your mind and know when you are observing them and when you are not observing them.

All that the intelligences, or conserved quanta, or psyches – within the physical atoms – have to do is to temporarily turn off the mass, resistance to acceleration, or entropy; and then they can quantum tunnel or teleport that physical atom anywhere in the universe that they want it to go, instantaneously.  They are the ones who turned on the mass, entropy, or resistance to acceleration in the first place; and they can also turn it off anytime that they choose to do so.

This is precisely what we have experienced and observed; therefore, WE KNOW that it is true.  Special relativity tells us that it is true, and so does quantum mechanics.  The light cone tells us that it is true.  Hyper-dimensionality tells us that it is true.  Quantum field theory tells us that this is true.  The perpetual motion cycle (E = mc2) tells us that it is true.  The Quantum Zeno Effect tells us that it is true.  Observation and experience also tell us that this is true.  It’s consistent and holds water.  This is Science, Knowledge, and Truth.

It also tells us that the Materialists, Naturalists, Darwinists, Nihilists, Behaviorists, Atomists, Physical Reductionists, Hard Determinists, and Atheists are wrong whenever they make the claim that the quantum or the non-physical or the spiritual does not exist.  It tells us that these people don’t know what they are talking about when it comes to Science and Quantum Mechanics.  It tells us that their chosen reference frame or perspective is wrong.

Tachyons can make and end luxons and tardyons at will.  Tachyons are syntropic and conserved.  Tachyons can travel at any speed that they desire, because tachyons can transform themselves into luxons or tardyons.  Quantum mechanics is obviously tachyonic!  It has NO physical limitations.  It has NO entropy or NO resistance to acceleration!  The materialists, naturalists, nihilists, and atheists deny the existence of the tachyonic!  That’s why these people generate so much confusion and seem to get everything wrong.

Science needed a fresh pair of eyes from an open-minded unbiased outsider!  Science desperately needed someone who was willing to think outside of the box or the light cone!  I redid Science from the ground up.  I like the results because now I can explain in scientific terms what everything is and how it works!  Tachyons, conserved quanta, or hyperdimensional energy beings have an infinite amount of scientific explanatory power.  Tachyons, psyches, intelligences, spirit matter, or particles of energy are omnipotent!

Mark My Words


