Tachyonic Quanta



According to any decent Light Cone Chart, everything in this universe is either a tardyon, a luxon, or a tachyon.  A light cone covers everything and reveals everything, if we allow it to do so.  Remember, quanta are packets of energy or packets of spirit matter.

According to the Light Cone Chart, luxons and tardyons are NOT conserved.  They are temporary or temporal.  They BEGIN, and they are caused to END.  Where the luxons are concerned, Someone Intelligent causes the quantum wave to BEGIN, and that Same Psyche or Intelligence collapses the wave function thereby causing the quantum wave to END.  Remember, tardyons and luxons are NOT conserved!  So, what is being conserved?

By definition, Tardyonic Quanta, Luxonic Quanta, Spacetime, and the Light Cone are NOT conserved.  They BEGIN, and they can END; yet they obviously exist!  Mass-Based Quanta or Tardyonic Quanta, such as entropic physical atoms and protons and the quark-gluon system in the center of an entropic physical atom, have been identified and obviously exist.  Massless and entropyless non-physical Luxonic Quanta, such as quantum waves and photons, have been identified and obviously exist.  WE KNOW they exist!

So, where are the Tachyonic Quanta or the Conserved Quanta?  They have to exist too; otherwise, our Light Cone Model of Reality would be incomplete, and the light cone and everything within it would NOT exist.  Where is the Conservation of Energy being stored and processed, since conservation obviously isn’t being represented by the Luxonic Quanta or the Tardyonic Quanta?  This is one of the Ultimate Questions in Science that needs to be answered!  Where are the Tachyonic Quanta or the Conserved Quanta?  What are they, and where are they to be found?  Tardyonic Quanta or Conserved Quanta have to exist.

The light cone represents our 3D physical spacetime realm.  The light cone is a 3D cone, with a timeline or time-segment running through the middle of it!  It has boundaries!  It has BEGINNINGS and ENDINGS.  This means that everything within the light cone and on the surface of the light cone is NOT conserved!  That automatically means that everything outside of the light cone or separate from the light cone IS conserved!  Conservation has to exist outside of the light cone, since it can’t exist within the light cone!  It’s obvious!

Are you starting to see it?

Luxonic Quanta or Photons obviously exist.  Mass-based Quanta or Tardyonic Quanta such as quarks and electrons obviously exist.  So, where are the Tachyonic Quanta or the Conserved Quanta?  They, too, have to exist in order for the light cone to exist and to be complete!  Luxonic Quanta and Tardyonic Quanta BEGIN and END.  Anything that has a beginning obviously has Someone Psyche or Someone Intelligent who causes it to begin, and who can also cause it to end!  The Tachyonic Quanta or the Conserved Quanta obviously have to exist, or the Light Cone Model would be incomplete and could not be the Ultimate Model of Reality!  The Beginners and the Enders obviously have to exist; otherwise, there would be NOTHING to begin and end the luxons and the tardyons; and our Light Cone Model or this Ultimate Model of Reality would be incomplete and nonsensical!

Everything in this universe is either a tardyon, a luxon, or a tachyon!  Tachyonic Quanta or Conserved Quanta HAVE TO EXIST because there has to be some place in this universe where conservation is taking place and is allowed to exist, since conservation isn’t taking place through the Luxonic Quanta or the Tardyonic Quanta or the Temporary Quanta!  This is obviously true!  The Light Cone Chart makes it obvious!  Tachyonic Quanta or Conserved Quanta must exist!

The Tachyonic Quanta or the Conserved Quanta outside of the light cone have to be the Conservers or the Syntropy since the luxons and the tardyons can’t be.  It’s elementary!  Science or detective work doesn’t get any better than this!

Conservation doesn’t exist and can’t exist within or through tardyons or luxons.  Conservation can’t exist within the light cone or spacetime because these things begin and end; therefore, through the process of elimination, conservation has to exist within the timeless and entropyless and indestructible tachyons, psyches, intelligences, particles of energy, particles of spirit matter, or the quantum fields!  This is obviously true and self-evident!  It has to be true.

The “conservation of energy by tachyons” and the “conservation of quantum information within Conserved Quanta” obviously exist and MUST exist.  Energy is obviously tachyonic!  The quantum fields are obviously tachyonic!  Quantum mechanics is tachyonic!  Tachyonic Quanta or Conserved Quanta or Quantized Psyches are the ONLY thing that we know of within Science who have the innate ability to make, transmit, receive, process, analyze, transform, enforce, and store conserved quantum information such as the physical laws, physical constants, and the conserved quantum information within the quantum fields!

Tachyonic Quanta, or Conserved Quanta, or Conserving Quanta have to exist; otherwise, there would be nothing to make, process, analyze, enforce, and store the conserved quantum information or the conserved quantum memories that exist in this universe!  This is obviously true, because the conserved obviously exists.  These tachyons or particles of energy exist within the quantum fields!

Electrons are said to be half-in and half-out – half of the time they are mass-based tardyons, and the other half of the time they are omnipresent tachyons.  They are not conserved!  They end!  Luxons or quantum waves are all the way out of spacetime in the hyperdimensional realms, until their controlling tachyon or controlling psyche stops them and brings them back into this physical 3D spacetime realm!  So, where are the tachyons?  The tachyons have to exist because the light cone or spacetime exists!  THE LIGHT CONE, and everything within the light cone, IS NOT CONSERVED which means that there has to be Someone Tachyonic or Someone Conserved or Someone Intelligent who has the innate ability to START and STOP light cones, spacetime, luxons, time-segments, and tardyons!

So, where are the Tachyonic Quanta or the Conserved Quanta or the Conserving Quanta?  They have to exist; otherwise, the Luxonic Quanta and the Tardyonic Quanta and Spacetime would not exist and could not exist!  Remember, conservation doesn’t exist and can’t exist within tardyons and luxons; therefore, through the process of elimination, WE KNOW that conservation, the conserved quantum information, the physical laws, the physical constants, the intelligence, the quantum blueprints, and the rules of conservation have to exist within tachyons, psyches, intelligences, particles of energy, particles of spirit matter, or the quantum fields!  Conservation of Energy is tachyonic or omnipotent!

This Science and this Ultimate Model of Reality is obviously true.  Tachyonic Quanta or Conserved Quanta have to exist, in order for everything else to exist!  Someone has to be there to START and END the light cone or spacetime!  Someone has to be there to START and END the luxons and the tardyons.  Someone has to be there to do Conservation!  Once we eliminate the luxons and the tardyons, since they are NOT conserved; then we are left with the tachyons as the ONLY possible source and cause of Conservation!  Conservation of Energy is tachyonic!

Remember, we physicists and scientists call particles of energy “matter”.  Therefore, the most refined particles of energy are in fact particles of spirit matter, omnipotent infinite singularities, hyperdimensional energy beings, psyches, intelligences, or tachyons!  It’s all there on the Light Cone Chart for the whole world to see.  The quantum fields are tachyons, and quantum mechanics is tachyonic!  They have to exist for the light cone to exist!

By definition and by first-hand observations, WE KNOW that Tachyonic Quanta or Conserved Quanta are in fact found within or through psyches, intelligences, and the quantum fields.  According to the Light Cone Chart, massless and entropyless particles of energy or particles of spirit matter are tachyons!  By definition, energy is tachyonic or omnipotent!  The tachyons, and syntropy, and conservation are found within the particles of energy, or the particles of spirit matter, or the quantum fields.  This means that Conserved Quanta or Conserving Quanta are going to be made from tachyons, intelligences, psyches, particles of energy, particles of spirit matter, or conserved quantum information!

It fits!  It works!  It’s consistent!  It ALL makes logical sense!  Instantly, WE KNOW what everything is and how it works!  It’s necessarily true, which means that it’s obviously true.  It’s obvious, and it’s self-evident.  It has to be true; otherwise, we wouldn’t exist!  Tachyonic Quanta or Conserved Quanta obviously exist.

Designers, Makers, Creators, Standardizers, Enforcers, and Starters have to exist because some things in this universe are obviously designed, made, created, started, standardized, or caused to BEGIN!

According to any decent Light Cone Chart, tardyons and luxons BEGIN, which means that they can be ENDED or caused to STOP.  The wave function can be collapsed or caused to END.  The light cone is a cone, not a parabola!  It ENDS!  Tardyons, luxons, spacetime, time-segments, distance or space, time delays, and the light cone are STARTED, which means that they can be ENDED.  These obvious scientific truths make it clear that tardyons, luxons, spacetime, and the light cone are the “creation”, because they are STARTED or caused to BEGIN, and because they are NOT conserved or can be ENDED.

Remember, everything in this universe is either a tardyon, a luxon, or a tachyon.  It’s right there on the Light Cone Chart for the whole world to see!

So, where are the Designers, Creators, Makers, Starters, and Standardizers to be found if they can’t be found within luxons, tardyons, spacetime, or the light cone?  Designers and Makers and Starters have to exist; otherwise, the contents of the light cone would not exist!  So, what’s left to consider?  TACHYONS!

Since luxons and tardyons can’t be the Designers, Creators, Makers, Starters, Standardizers, or Gods that we are looking for in Science and Religion, through a process of elimination, we are left with tachyons.  Tachyons are the ONLY thing we have left, after we have eliminated the things that are NOT conserved or can be ENDED!  Tachyons or particles of energy are syntropic, eternal, and everlasting – which means that they are conserved!  Tachyons or particles of energy have NO beginning, which means that they can have NO END!  The quantum fields are tachyons and tachyonic!  This means that Tachyons have to be the Designers, Creators, Makers, Standardizers, Enforcers, Starters, Enders, and Gods that we are looking for in Science and Religion.  We have NO other choice.  Luxons and tardyons are the “creation”, which means that the Tachyons have to be the Creators!

Remember, luxons and tardyons are NOT conserved.  They can END!  Luxons and tardyons are STARTED or caused to BEGIN, which means that they can be ENDED!  Luxons and tardyons can’t be our designers and our creators, because they are the “creation”.  That leaves tachyons, psyches, intelligences, particles of energy, particles of spirit matter, or the quantum fields as our Designers and Creators and Gods.  There is NO other choice!  Tachyons are omnipotently it!

This means that the Tachyons, or Hyperdimensional Energy Beings, or Conserved Quanta, or Quantized Psyches have to be the Beginners and the Enders, the Starters and the Finishers, the Designers and the Creators, the Standardizers and the Enforcers, the Psyches or the Intelligences, the Tachyonic Quanta or the Conserved Quanta, as well as the Makers and the Gods that we are looking for in Science and Religion.  We have NO other choice!  We have to go with the obvious!

This Science is obviously true.  It’s religiously true!  It’s self-evident.  I hold these truths to be self-evident.  Tachyons, or Hyperdimensional Energy Beings, or Quantized Psyches ARE the Beginners and the Enders, the Starters and the Finishers, the Designers and the Creators, the Standardizers and the Enforcers, the Psyches or the Intelligences, the Tachyonic Quanta or the Conserved Quanta, as well as the Makers and the Gods that we are looking for in Science and Religion.  Tachyons are omnipotent particles of energy, psyches, intelligences, or particles of spirit matter.  This Science explains everything that has ever been experienced or observed.  Its scientific explanatory power is tachyonic, infinite, conserved, syntropic, and unlimited!  Science doesn’t get any better than that!

Mark My Words
