Defining and Debunking Magic

Defining and Debunking Magic


Just like there are many different definitions for Conserved Quanta or Tachyonic Quanta, there are many different definitions for “magic”.

Creation Ex Nihilo or Creation by Chance is magic in the truest sense of the word – the creation of something from nothing by nothing.  That’s magic!  Both the Christians and the Atheists teach and preach Creation Ex Nihilo; and it’s FALSE whether it’s coming from the Christians or the Atheists or the Scientists.  Not even the Tachyons or the Gods can do Creation Ex Nihilo; and CHANCE cannot do design and creation either!  Design and creation and manufacturing require that intelligent choices be made; and if you observe carefully, you will soon discover that choice and chance are mutually exclusive.  They preclude each other or prevent each other.  ONLY tachyons, psyches, intelligences, particles of spirit matter, or particles of energy can do choice!  Once a choice has been made and enacted, then chance ceases to exist!

Creation Ex Nihilo or Creation by Chance is pure magic, because it is physically impossible.  Not even the Gods or the Tachyons can do Creation Ex Nihilo!  However, the Gods or the Tachyons CAN DO CHOICE, which means that they can DO design and creation and engineering and manufacturing!  The Tachyons can transform themselves into anything that they want to be, because tachyons are particles of energy or particles of spirit matter, and particles of energy are omnipotent, conscious, sentient, and infinitely malleable.

Quantum mechanics, tachyonic physics, transdimensional physics, or the supernatural can seem like magic to a tardyonic, physical, or entropic human being.  However, quantum mechanics, or the superpowered tachyonic, or action at a distance, or quantum field theory are NOT magic because they have a logical and rational scientific explanation.  Nevertheless, it’s quantum mechanics or action at a distance or tachyonic physics that the materialists, naturalists, nihilists, and atheists define as “magic”, “physically impossible”, and “non-existent”.  The atheists get everything wrong when it comes to biology and physics, because the atheists deny the existence of the tachyonic.

The Materialists, Physicalists, Naturalists, Darwinists, Nihilists, Behaviorists, Atomists, Hard Determinists, and Atheists are willing to accept and believe in Creation Ex Nihilo because in their minds it eliminates the need for God; but, these same atheistic people refuse to accept and believe in tachyons, or particles of energy, or particles of spirit matter because these things reveal God to us!  The atheists cherry-pick the evidence, tossing out or deleting the scientific evidence that they don’t like and only keeping the theories or the philosophies or the sophistry that they do like.

Einstein refused to believe in quantum mechanics, tachyonic physics, or action at a distance considering it to be impossible.  However, “action at a distance” does not exist at the quantum level or the tachyonic level because everything is directly and instantly connected with everything else at the quantum level through the quantum fields.  There is NO action at a distance at the quantum level because everything is directly and instantly connected with everything else at the quantum level or the tachyonic level.  There is NO action at a distance at the tachyonic level because there is NO distance or NO time delay at the quantum level among the quantum fields or the spirit world.

That means that quantum mechanics or tachyonic physics or omnipotent energy is NOT magic, because it has a logical and rational scientific explanation, and because it has been repeatedly experienced, observed, and verified!  Tachyons are particles of energy!

Creation Ex Nihilo or Creation by Chance is magic because it has NEVER been experienced, observed, replicated, or verified.  In contrast, every theory in quantum mechanics or tachyonic physics has been repeatedly observed, experienced, and verified; therefore, WE KNOW that it is true.  In other words, WE KNOW that it is Real Science, and not magic.

Quanta are spirits, or packets of energy, or packets of spirit matter, or packets of tachyons.  The quantum fields or the spirit world or the tachyonic realm is the same exact quantum phenomenon or tachyonic phenomenon.  It really exists.  The tachyonic has to exist in order for the luxonic and the tardyonic to exist.  The luxonic and the tardyonic cannot exist within NOTHING as the materialists, naturalists, nihilists, and atheists claim that it does.

Out-of-body explorers and near-death experiencers have observed that at the quantum level in the spirit world or the quantum fields, there is a Servitor or a God who can read your mind and grants your requests.  This Servitor reads your mind, knows precisely where you want to go, and teleports you there instantly.  There are NO time delays at the quantum level, which means that there is NO distance at the quantum level, which means that “action at a distance” doesn’t exist at the quantum level in the tachyonic realm because everything happens at an infinite velocity instantaneously in the quantum realm once a choice has been made.  This is Science that Einstein and the atheists got wrong.  Einstein and the atheists were stuck within the Light Cone and could never get out!  Einstein denied the existence of the tachyonic.  The atheists deny the existence of luxons and tachyons.  They both are effectively stuck within the Light Cone and can’t get out.

You see, the quantum fields are spirits, or tachyons, or quanta, which means that the quantum fields are sentient, conscious, perceptive, and alive.  The quantum fields are Gods in every sense of the word!  The quantum fields can design and create at will, and then enforce their commands, designs, laws, and creations at a universal scale.  The quantum fields can do anything that they want to do and make anything that they want to make.  That’s the very definition of a God!

Furthermore, the Grand Secret of the Universe tells us that everything in this universe is made from tachyons or particles of energy BY Tachyons, or Conserved Quanta, or the Gods.  This is the grand secret that the materialists, naturalists, nihilists, and atheists have been trying to hide from us for thousands of years.  Everything is made from tachyons by tachyons!  Tachyons, psyches, intelligences, particles of energy, or particles of spirit matter are the same exact thing.  They are omnipotent, hyperdimensional, and God-like in their native original form.

When it comes to the quantum fields or the tachyonic realm or quantum mechanics or the energy realm or the spirit world, it’s NOT magic, because it has a logical, rational, and demonstrably true scientific explanation that has been repeatedly experienced, observed, and verified.

In the Harry Potter books and movies, as well as any fantasy series that depends upon magic or creation ex nihilo or superpowers, the whole purpose for “magic” is to eliminate their need for God.  You don’t need God if you can do magic or already have superpowers.  Magic promotes atheism.  The purpose for magic or superpowers is to eliminate their need for God and to turn themselves into Gods instead.  That’s one of the ways we know that magic or creation ex nihilo does not exist, because it has NEVER been experienced or observed or replicated.

Creation Ex Nihilo predicts that we should be observing spontaneous generation, chemical evolution, abiogenesis, and macro-evolution in real time right before our eyes like we see in the movies Evolution and Annihilation.  The fact that we don’t observe what Creation Ex Nihilo predicts that we should be observing is scientific proof that Creation Ex Nihilo or that type of magic is false.

In contrast, every type of quantum mechanics or tachyonic physics has been repeatedly verified, which means that it’s NOT magic.  Quantum mechanics, energy mechanics, or tachyonic physics is proven and verified Science.  It can’t be magic if it has a proven and verified scientific explanation that has been repeatedly experienced, observed, demonstrated, and replicated.

Tachyons are particles of energy or particles of spirit matter.  Tachyons obviously exist because omnipotent or tachyonic particles of energy obviously exist.  Energy or the tachyonic has been repeatedly experienced, observed, and verified; therefore, WE KNOW that it truly exists.  It’s NOT magic if it actually exists!

Mark My Words


