Defining Particles of Energy

Defining Particles of Energy


Tachyons are particles of energy; and particles of energy in their native original FORM are tachyons.  This is really simple to understand.  By definition, tachyons have NO limitations, because tachyons are omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, infinite, eternal, everlasting, quantum, hyperdimensional, syntropic, and conserved.  The scientific explanatory power of tachyons is unlimited.

I have a bit of OCD.  I like working things through to completion!  The few, who are generous and kind, tell me that I’m thorough or a “good teacher” and that it’s some kind of gift.  I like to joke and say that “I never do anything half-assed.  I always go out of my way to make a complete ass of myself every time.”  I’m driven.  I want to KNOW the truth!

When I first saw a Light Cone Chart – complete with tardyons, luxons, and tachyons – I was ALL in, because I immediately recognized that it was TRUE.  ALL of my scientific research during the previous decade had been pointing to it.  I have been thinking about it and dreaming about it ever since.  I can’t let it go.  It’s too good to be true.  It explains everything – in scientific terms that we can actually visualize and understand.

We physicists and scientists call particles of energy “matter”.  We take it as self-evident and obvious that particles of energy exist.  Energy exists, does it not?  If you can’t agree that energy exists, then we aren’t even on the same planet, you and I.  Since we call particles of energy “matter”, that means that massless, entropyless, intangible, non-physical, syntropic, conserved particles of energy are in fact particles of spirit matter.  It’s the same stuff!  They both are tachyonic, quantum, spiritual, non-physical, intangible, ethereal, omnipotent, omnipresent, hyperdimensional, massless, entropyless, syntropic, and conserved.  We can’t get our hands on them nor control them with our physical instruments; yet WE KNOW that particles of energy exist because observations ARE scientific evidence, and particles of energy have been repeatedly experienced and observed and verified!

These scientific truths, that the atheists have rejected, have given me the answer to life, the universe, and everything.

It violates the Law of Non-Contradiction to claim that particles of energy exist, while at the same time claiming that particles of spirit matter do not exist – as the materialists, naturalists, nihilists, and atheists do – because particles of energy and particles of spirit matter are the same exact thing!  If the one exists, then the other one automatically exists!  Likewise, it violates the Law of Non-Contradiction to claim that energy exists while at the same time claiming that massless, entropyless, non-physical tachyons and luxons do not exist – as the materialists, naturalists, nihilists, and atheists do – because tachyons and particles of energy are the same exact thing in the end.  Psyches, intelligences, tachyons, luxons, tachyonic quanta, conserved quanta, and the quantum fields CONSIST of massless, entropyless, syntropic, non-physical, conserved particles of energy; and we all should know that particles of energy exist.  Yes, energy is spiritual or non-physical or intangible.  Yes, energy is tachyonic or omnipotent or God-like!  Nevertheless, we all should KNOW that energy exists.

The materialists, naturalists, nihilists, and atheists waste all your time by trying to convince you that the tachyonic, or the spiritual, or the quantum, or the non-physical DOES NOT EXIST.  Tachyonic is “spiritual”, or “quantum mechanical”, or “omnipotent”, or “conserved”.  It can’t wear-out or end.  Energy in its spiritual form or tachyonic form is massless, entropyless, intangible, non-physical, syntropic, invisible, unlimited, infinite, omnipotent, omnipresent, hyperdimensional, and conserved.  Tachyons are particles of energy or particles of spirit matter.  Quanta are spirits, or packets of energy.  As scientists, we should KNOW that quanta and particles of energy exist; therefore, we should KNOW that spirits and spirit matter and tachyons exist, because they are the same thing!  As a scientist, you have to be willing to figure out what a tachyon or a particle of spirit matter really is and how it works, or you will NEVER find the truth when it comes to physics.

My first fifty years as a scientist were completely wasted and unproductive thanks to my materialism, naturalism, nihilism, and atheism – that were trained into me by my science teachers.

We atheists have already concluded that the spiritual or the tachyonic DOES NOT EXIST.  We atheists have already concluded that the eternal and the everlasting and the conserved tachyons do not exist.  We atheists deny the existence of tachyons or particles of spirit matter.  We atheists have already concluded that spirits, or quanta, or packets of energy, or luxons, or quantum waves, or photons do not exist.  We atheists have already concluded that tachyons, psyches, intelligences, or particles of spirit matter DO NOT EXIST.  We atheists have already concluded that the tachyonic fields or the quantum fields or particles of energy do not exist.  We atheists have already concluded that hyperspace, or the quantum realms, or the tachyonic realms, or the spirit world, or the energy realm does not exist.  We atheists have already concluded that tachyonic mechanics, quantum mechanics, spiritual mechanics, or energy mechanics DOES NOT EXIST.

We atheists worship death or nihilism as if it were God.  Atheism is a curse and a bane to the whole of Science and Physics, and we atheists don’t even know it.  The interesting thing about we atheists is that we don’t want to know the truth.  We atheists are much more comfortable with the deceptions and the lies because that is what we prefer.  We atheists have already rejected the Truths in Science that are waiting to be found.

You see, God is a spiritual phenomenon or a tachyonic phenomenon or a quantum phenomenon or a supernatural phenomenon; so, for us atheists, the spiritual or the tachyonic or the quantum can’t possibly exist because God obviously does not exist.  Our fear of God literally prevents us and stops us from finding and knowing the tachyonic, the non-physical, or the spiritual Truths in Science that are waiting to be found.  Atheism, unbelief, or “randomly and arbitrarily denying the existence of things” is the absolute worst thing that you can do to your Science, Truth, or Knowledge.  Deliberate ignorance destroys discovery, knowledge, truth, and science.

The ONLY good thing about my years spent as an atheist trapped within an atheistic mind-set or paradigm is that I can now use my atheism as a foil or a prod or an incentive to point me to the Truths in Science that the atheists are trying to hide from us.  I have discovered that if an atheist tells you that something doesn’t exist, then you can be 100% sure that it does in fact exist, because these people seem to have a knack for identifying the truth and rejecting it.  Even when these people say that Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny doesn’t exist, that’s not exactly 100% true.  Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny and God exist as a concept or an idea, even if they might not have a physical existence.  Concepts and ideas are real, and they really exist.

Thoughts or cognitions or dreams or memories are quantum waves or quantum information.  They really exist!  Furthermore, the thoughts and memories that survive the death of your physical brain and show up in your after-death life review obviously are not stored within your physical brain; yet they exist!  Conserved quantum memories can ONLY be stored within Conserved Quanta or Tachyonic Quanta!  It’s physically impossible to conserve quantum information within temporary or temporal tardyons, luxons, or physical atoms that are NOT CONSERVED.  You can’t conserve quantum information within something that is not conserved.  It’s physically impossible!  Luxons and tardyons are not conserved.  That means that quantum information or quantum memories can ONLY be conserved within tachyons!  Remember, tachyons, psyches, intelligences, particles of energy, or particles of spirit matter are conserved!  They have to exist so that quantum information can be conserved!

A psyche, intelligence, or tachyon has the innate ability to think up something completely new out of thin air, and once it does, that concept or idea really exists.  You see, love, friendship, compassion, charity, trust, faith, belief, justice, mercy, and all the other things that are good – DO NOT EXIST – until some psyche, intelligence, or tachyon chooses them into existence!  However, once these things have been chosen into existence, they REALLY DO EXIST!  Physical atoms or tardyons or spacetime were an idea, BEFORE they were constructed and made real or caused to exist by the Tachyons or the Gods.

By default, particles of energy are tachyonic tachyons or omnipotent particles of spirit matter, until they choose to be something else!  Tachyons can choose to be whatever they want to be, because energy is infinitely malleable.  Remember, energy is alive because energy cannot die.  Energy or the tachyons are conserved!  Tachyons or particles of energy can choose to be luxons or tardyons!  Tachyons have to exist in order to “turn on” and “turn off” the tardyons and the luxons!

We physicists call particles of energy “matter’, which means that particles of energy are in FACT particles of spirit matter.  The materialists, naturalists, nihilists, and atheists refuse to accept the FACT that particles of energy are particles of spirit matter, and that particles of spirit matter are tachyons.  These atheistic people refuse to accept the FACT that quanta are packets of spirit matter, or packets of tachyons, or packets of energy.  My atheist friend refuses to accept the FACT that spirits exist, even though quanta are spirits or packets of spirit matter.  Atheists deny the existence of tachyons, psyches, intelligences, or particles of energy even though they are the same exact thing.

Energy is infinitely malleable which means that spirits are infinitely malleable.  They can assume any form that they want.  Tachyons, or particles of spirit matter, or particles of energy can transform themselves into luxons and tardyons anytime they choose to do so, and then back again into tachyons.  This quantum phenomenon or tachyonic phenomenon is known as the perpetual motion cycle!  Tachyons, or particles of energy, or the quantum fields are in fact perpetual motion machines!  They can’t die or end!

If you deny the existence of energy or the tachyonic or the conserved, then you really aren’t a scientist.  You are instead a sophist or an atheist.  Sophists deny the existence of the things they don’t like.  It’s the head-in-the-sand philosophy.  Sophistry is a philosophical attempt to convince us that a lie is true.  Sophists will look at the sun or a tachyon, tell you that it doesn’t exist, and then try to use logic or philosophy or intimidation or trickery to convince you that it doesn’t exist.  That’s what sophists do.  Our materialistic, naturalistic, nihilistic, and atheistic scientists and college professors are sophists.  They are actively and deliberately and forcefully trying to convince us that their lies are true.  These people are trying to convince us that tachyons, psyches, intelligences, or particles of energy DO NOT EXIST.  If you believe them, then you are a materialist, naturalist, nihilist, behaviorist, or atheist.  I no longer believe them, so I’m no longer an atheist.

Remember, the atheists don’t want to know the truth, which is why they will NEVER have the truth.  The atheists reject the truth and deny the existence of the truth.  The atheists are much more comfortable with the deceptions and the lies.  The atheists reject the evidence and deny the existence of the evidence that they personally don’t like, which means that atheism is one of the Denialistic Philosophies of Science.  Remember, self-deception works, and it works every time.  You will NEVER find and know the truth by denying its existence as the materialists, naturalists, nihilists, and atheists do.

Tachyons ARE psyches, intelligences, particles of spirit matter, the quantum fields, or particles of energy.  Tachyons obviously exist because we obviously exist.  Tachyons have to exist because something has to be there to conserve energy, to conserve quantum information, and to “turn on” and “turn off” the luxons and the tardyons.  Tachyons ARE massless, entropyless, non-physical, intangible, non-local, hyperdimensional, infinite, unlimited, syntropic, omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, conserved particles of energy.  WE KNOW that particles of energy exist; therefore, WE KNOW that tachyons exist.

Mark My Words


